
Become a volunteer or help out with an event

We are happy to see that our volunteers come from all spheres of life, and that some of them came to this country first as asylum seekers themselves.

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Help comes in many packages

The person-centred model we are using will reduce social isolation, increase independence, enable, and empower service users to self-manage their own health and wellbeing. This will also identify any gaps in provision that supports the aims of the service we provide to our service users, such as promoting holistic approach to health and well-being, supporting people to access relevant services e.g., housing, welfare advice, employment programmes and physical activity. It will support sustainability and build capacity and strength within the community and the development of volunteers’ opportunities.

Volunteer and member resources

There are many ways to start volunteering and some might work better for you, there are key routes available through Humanity 1st. come to our drop in sections and learn more


Name of organisation: HUMANITY 1ST CIC

Registered office address and postcode: UNIT 1a STANLEY STREET CASTLEFORD WF10 4LW

Phone number:  07385654381 or 01924650110

Email address:  INFO@HUMANITY1ST.CO.UK

Address if different from above:  Unit1a Stanley Street Wakefield WF10 4LW


Contact us to get started

Support people from BAME communities especially new immigrants and asylum seekers .We depend on a wonderful group of gifted volunteers who help to welcome Refugees and Asylum Seekers to the Wakefield District.

Projects Completed


people supported

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Join our mission. Volunteer, Advocate. Get Started Today.

Call Us : 07385 654 381  Or 01924650110